Thursday, December 30, 2010


Christmas was amazing!! we didn't really do much. actually i think we slept most of the day but we had a nice time just spending it with each other. We got some really neat things from our family. I got a really nice wall hanging from my mother in law and some socks from grandma and grandpa solomon. I love all the christmas cards that we have been getting from his side. i don't know who most of the people are but its nice that they sent them.

The other night i found all the gift cards that we got for our wedding that i hadnt used so of course we used them! and got a lot of neat stuff for our place. i can't wait to get them. Colin and i are still waiting for the email that says our stuff is here. i really hope it comes soon. i can't stand the bed they gave us it is hurting both of ours backs. it is a month today since they packed up our stuff and shipped it off to germany.

Colin signed back into work yesterday and that means he has to wake up early on monday monrning. Its going to suck but it also a good thing because it gives him five extra days on his next leave.
( which we beleave will be in may)

Saturday, December 18, 2010

things u find while unpacking

Colin and i have been slowly unpacking our place. but we really can't wait to get the rest of our stuff. the bed they gave us is really uncomfertable and is hard to sleep on. so i can't wait to get my bed back.
We found these pants while unpacking one of colins and when he put them on i had to take a picture! He is to cute.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Our walk

haha we had just got home from a walk and it was raining and there was snow on the ground so we were a little wet but it was a lot of fun. Colin showed me around post and took me to the px and the commisary.
Its weird to think that i haven't even been here for a week yet.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Okay well i am finally in germany! and well lets just say so far things are going great but of course i have only been here for like 3days but lets see if we can keep this up. it has snowed basically every single day since i have been here! its kinda awesome i mean when i lived in reno it never snowed this much. tonight tho germany played a little switch up on us and it is raining. its nothing like florida rain but hey its rain. I tried to use mine and colins new camera but i couldn't find the batteries to it. we have everything everywhere at the moment. as soon as i find them i will take tons of pictures for everyone. Colin had staff duty on thursday and that means he will be gone all day and night on thursday but he will have friday off. but he will probably spend the day sleeping and me being nice will probably let him..(key word probably)

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


So yesterday Colin and I got a 2 Bedroom apartment on base! it looks pretty nice from the pictures he sent me. it comes with a wash and dryer which i think is amazing! Colin gets the keys on monday!!!

Today i am supposed to get a call from the moving company who is gonna come pack up all of our stuff. and if they dont call then i have to call them and make sure that someone was scheduled to do so.

I feel like i have been packing constantly! thats all i do now is pack lol its getting old but it has to get done so i am doing it.

My mom is starting to get sad and thats understandable i mean her little girl is leaving to germany in 9 days. it was hard for her when i moved to reno and that was in the same country! these next 9days are going to interesting.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Sams Going To GERMANY!!

Today i had a crazy but productive day at Macdill. I scheduled mine and colins pick up for our stuff for next week. i have to call on monday to make sure it all went through. I booked my flight which was easy and FREE! I learned some things today about army lingo. which im sure i will need to know for future refrences. Its a lot to take in all at ounce but it needed to get done and i am very glad that its all done! I don't think its hit me yet that im leaving. im sure its gonna hit in a couple days when i start to realise that i may not be back here in about 2yrs. wow. But i am so excited to go and start my new life with my wonderful husband He was great today. he wasn't there in person but he did as much as he could being so far away. Oh so they say that it will take around a month and a half for our stuff to get there so probably around the begining of january will we get everything. so my mom and i are going to go yard selling and try and find some stuff for our new place! i wish colin could be here to help me find things but looks like its up to me.

Depart: Tampa Fl. December 3 at 9:46am
Arrive: Frankfurt Germany December 4 at 7:05am

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

MacDill Airforce Base

Friday i am going to Macdill in the early morning with my mom. Her and i are going to schedule pickup for all of mine and colins stuff so it can be shipped over to us in Germany. it should take around a month to get to us but the cool thing about that is since we wont have any stuff the army is going to let us borrow stuff until ours comes. we hear that the stuff they give you is like hotel funiture. so atleast we wont have to like sleep on the floor or anything. After we schedule the pick up i have to call and make my flight arangments which is cool.I hope i can get there around thanksgiving but since it is coming up so quickly i don't know if i will be able to. I really want to tho. i don't want Colin to be alone on thanksgiving so i pray that i will be there in time.I'm not sure when colin gets to go look at houses i hope soon. He has been in class for the last couple days. We are both really excitede to finally getting this stuff done. We can't wait to be together <3

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The day has FINALLY come!

Ours papers were approved! and i am finally able to join Colin in Germany!!!!! Good thing i already quit my job lol I don't think people understand how excited i am about this. We have been waiting for this day for four months now and i never thought it would come but it has. Its an amazing feeling to know i am going to be able to see him again before he deploys..I LOVE YOU COLIN MAUGHAN!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

No longer a working girl :)

So lately i have been really dreading my job. I love the people there ( well most of them)  i just can't stand being there anymore. its something i tried to put to the side until i heard something about my paperwork but i just couldn't. My boss treats me really bad and yesterday just set me over the edge so i talked about it with Colin first of course and him and i decided that it was time for me to quit that place. He knew i was unhappy and i truly was. So i work this following week and i am done with that place! i put in my two weeks of course my second week i took my week vacation so that i can spend the holidays with my family. So officially thursday is my last day i of course close. o well! It is such a weight lifted off me. I am so happy that i am finally done with that place.

Thursday, November 11, 2010


Thank you for serving our country! I am very proud to be your wife Colin Maughan

Monday, November 8, 2010

surgery day

Colin went into surgery today for his hernia around 7-8am his time. he is out now he is really sore and tired but ok.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

 mine is on my leg
christina's is on her back

Today my sister and i FINALLY got our sister tattoos. her's is pink and mine is green :) this is her first tattoo this is my 6th! lol they turned out really well. we both love them <3

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Germany News

Paper work should be approved in around a week!! this next week better go by really quick!

Monday, November 1, 2010


Today all i could think about was the fact that yet another month has gone by and i am still not in Germany with my husband. I am starting to think that i am never going to be with him. i miss him so much so i cant think like that. it is really hard to be without him but i know i have to be Strong. I can't wait to start my life with him its gonna be amazing to just see him everyday.

So i am learning new things about my new family everyday! its so crazy but i can't wait to get to know everyone better. i didn't really get to spend time with anyone while i was there. the only one i really know is Allyson and that's because her and i grew up together in Moapa.

Colin got approved to have his lasik eye sugary today! and he goes to see the doctor on Friday for his hernia. soon my hubby will be all fixed up :)

Saturday, October 30, 2010

my oh my

Okay so today has been an interesting day. I woke up and went to breakfast with my brothers and sister at a place called nortons it was really good. i haven't eaten that much food in such a long time.


Colin has to write a 5000 word essay! and i am trying to help him as much as i can but there is really only so much i can do. i hate that i can't write it for him because he hates to write and i love writing. but last time i checked he was on page like 6 and that means he is like half way done lol i guess there is another guy that has to do the essay as well and he was on page 1 last time colin asked. colin tried to help him but he didn't want it. My hubby is so nice.

Colin has a doctors appointment on Monday!!!

Tomorrow is Halloween and i was really hoping i could be with my husband but it doesn't seem like thats gonna happen :( I miss him so much. i am keeping my head up tho and staying strong. thats all i can do.

Monday, October 25, 2010

people are idiots

Today at work i felt like yelling at this lady. she had a huge order but then at the end decided to take some stuff off which i could understand i mean if u don't have enough money u don't have enough money. but no she took the food off because if she didn't she wouldn't have money to buy her cigs! come on. who does that! it made me angry. if i could refuse people service i totally wouldn't of given her those cigarettes.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

My man

I have got to talk to colin all day today and it has made my day amazing. he knows just what to say to keep my calm and not over analyze things. i love him with all my heart and soul.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

update on today

Wow so today i didnt do much but i did go to the gym and it was amazing. i havent gone in like a week i felt like such a slacker and since colin went to bed at noon my time i had really nothing to do so i went and worked my ass off i loved it!

downloaded the new sugarland cd and it is amazing. i love her voice!

Eminem - Love The Way You Lie ft. Rihanna

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

work stress

I have the next two days off!!! and i am so excited, i have worked the last 6days because my boss kept calling out. i guess her and her husband had a huge fight so she left the state. she told me that she was gonna tell me everything when she got back but i doubt that she will. right now she owes me a lot. i am so sick of working for those people. i can't wait to leave

Monday, October 18, 2010

ramblings from sam

Today Colin and learned that our paperwork is at the last place that it has to go to for approval! i am so excited. i am still trying to figure out how to get a SOFA stamp for my passport but so far everyone i have talked to says i shouldn't need it. hopefully i figure it out soon. i wanna have it just in case. i really hope that i get to be there really soon so him and i can spend the holidays together.

Lately i have been kinda somewhat blowing off my friends. its not that i am mad at them or dislike them idk i just don't feel like going out lately. but i think i am gonna have to go out with michelle soon she is getting a little upset i think that i keep bailing on her. hopefully we do something fun.

Today is my 6th day in a row working..i am so glad that i have tomorrow off..i for sure need it.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

gotta love it when people tend to walk all over you.

So im gonna say when i started working at this company i was a little nieve thinking that everyone was my friend because they wanted to be. well now i am coming to understand its not because they wanna be my friend its because they want me to think that we are friends and then when they need something they call on me to do it because they know that i am way to nice of a person to say no. people suck! and they really know how to make u feel like a piece of crap. i really can't wait to leave this place. everytime something like this happens to me it just makes me wanna leave more. and people may say oh come on ur just helping out a friend. well this said friend has never ounce helped me out and when i have asked she always said no. but stupid me i always say yes because i feel bad for said person. well here i am awake at 5am on a sunday getting ready to go to work when im supposed to have the day off. never again!

Friday, October 15, 2010

skype call with colin :)

 this man makes my heart race
 i miss that smile <3
he really likes guitar hero lol
Sleepy :(

I love him!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

update on colin :)

So Colin is going to be in the field from Thursday-Friday and that means he will have no communication for those days.He went to the eye doctor yesterday and got a new pair of glasses that look really good on him! but they are just temporary until he get lasic. He barley passed to get lasic surgery but he is excited to get it. he doesn't like wearing glasses at all. Colin thinks he may have a hernia and has been trying to find time to go get it looked at. he was gonna go this week but his srgts wouldn't let him go. i hope he gets the chance to go really soon. He took a PT test yesterday and really the only part he doesn't do well on is sit ups. So for the next few weeks he was told that he has to do 300 sit ups before the end of every week day. he is going to be in so much pain for the next few weeks.

this weekend he put in for a pass so he can leave post and go see some sites. he knows people in a near by town that he is gonna go see. he needs a break from his roommate and well he just needs to go off post and explore a little. i think it will be good for him. and he is going to be taking pictures for me!! Oh this will only happen if his pass gets approved by his command. if it doesn't he will be stuck on post yet again.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

photoshop fun

sad sam

so colin and i always hoped that we would be together for the holidays so that we could spend them as a family. well its already the middle of october and i really dont see it happening. I mean i really hope that we can but come on its already been what 4months and i am still not with him. what makes us even think they can get there act together in 2weeks so we can spend halloween together, i know its not really a major holiday but we were hoping it would be our first together. just wishful thinking i guess.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

New computer :)

Picture was taken while talking to colin lol

so i got a new computer today. and it is amazing. the one i had before was around 4yrs old and was falling apart so i got a new one! i love it. i've never had a computer with a web cam before its a bunch of fun and plus it will be easier for my to talk to colin on this one which makes me happy :)

Saturday, October 9, 2010


For the last few days i have been having really bad headaches and my face has been breaking out really bad. its because of stress i know it. i want it all to go away.I look horrible because of it. but there is still no word on my paperwork so i am never going to have clear skin again!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Michelle Francis

so i don't know how but i just realized how much of a friend Michelle has been to me. i know i can count on her for anything. i really don't know what i would do without her. with Colin gone she keeps me occupied with things to do and always listens to me when i need to vent and of course i am there for her when she needs me as well. she is my best friend and i don't think i have ever had a best friend thats a girl. Michelle you are truly one of a you girl

Sunday, September 26, 2010

my weekend

Last night was my going away party and people started to come over at 6pm and then didn't leave till 3am! lets just say it was a long long day. i had a lot of fun tho and i am really glad i got to have it while my dad was still in town. I am really hoping that colin will hear back about my papers this coming week. i really wanna be there with him. i miss him so much.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

makes me wanna scream!

Sometimes i feel like its never gonna happen. like im never gonna get to be with him. I feel as if everything we have worked for to be together is never gonna be approved and i going to have to go on living my life married but without my husband. i miss him. i don't wanna be without him anymore. this sucks

Sunday, September 19, 2010

weekend fun

So the weekend was fun. had a girls night with michelle and heather! it was a lot of fun those girls always know how to cheer me up. we had a surprise party for my dads friend he turned 50. lol some of these pics are from a couple weeks ago at a party i went to at my friend tana's house.

Heather <3


Flip cup!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

operation get sam to Germany

So today my paperwork went to a higher command to be overlooked. and i am so excited! i hope it doesn't take them long to approve me. so Colin can get out of the barracks and be with me.
I had a nice phone call with Colin this morning! just hearing his voice puts me in a better mood. I miss him so much. I can't wait till i am able to be with him.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Germany info

well Colin got back from his wilderness training last night! so today he went and turned in all my paperwork..they told him to check on it tomorrow but he says he is gonna check on it everyday until its approved..i hope it doesn't take to long.

Monday, September 13, 2010

2days off

So i have today and tomorrow and i NEED to go threw all of mine and Colin's boxes and reduce them into a smaller amount. they kind of take over my parents dinning room and they want it back because we are having a surprise birthday party this weekend for my dad friend. I will probably start it today when i get home from the gym. Michelle and i are going to zumba! our favorite teacher is doing a extra long class tonight we are super excited!!
I feel somewhat lost..

Saturday, September 11, 2010

living one day at a time

At worked i asked for every weekend of September off so i can spend it with my family and well i have had to work every freakin weekend! my job is so retarded.

Colin only has one more day in the wilderness for training and i am so excited. i get to talk to him somewhat but not really. he said they might extend it till Tuesday i really hope they don't. we need to turn in those papers so i can get over there!!

poem i found :

I wear no uniforms, no blues or army greens But I am in the Army in the ranks rarely seen I have no rank upon my shoulders - salutes I do not give But the military world is the place where I live I'm not in the chain of command, orders I do not get But my husband is the one who does, this I can not forget I'm not the one who fires the weapon, who puts my life on the line But my job is just as tough. I'm the one that's left behind My husband is a patriot, a brave and prideful man And the call to serve his country not all can understand Behind the lines I see the things needed to keep this country free My husband makes the sacrifice, but so do our kids and me I love the man I married, Soldiering is his life But I stand among the silent ranks known as the Army Wife

Friday, September 10, 2010

forgive..not so much forget...

so its called forgive and forget right..well i am working on the forgive part right now. everyday is getting a little better. but for now my trust in him is pretty much gone. but one day im sure it will be back. he is gonna have to earn it tho.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Be Brave!!

since going to macdill and learning that i am done with all my paperwork the waiting game sucks! all i wanna do is go to germany and it seems like the army is taking forever!! when in all actuality it has only been 4days lol

People at work are starting rumors already about the day i am leaving. my boss has already asked me if i have put in my notice because she had heard that i did. i hate people that talk about stuff that has nothing to do with them. we aren't in high school anymore people get over it i know my life is better than yours lol

Starting to plan my going away dinner! it is gonna be around the end of this month i want me dad to be there because he is the best cook i have ever known and only he can cook my going away dinner. its gonna be the last time i will be able to eat his food for a long time.

Michelle and i aren't really hanging out as much as we used to. all she does it party and i am so over that. I know she knows i have changed a lot and she is coming to terms with it.

Heather and i are hanging out more! and i love it. she always makes me laugh. her and i have a lot in common and the fact that both of our men live away from us helps. she doesn't mind that i am on the phone all the time talking to colin because she is on the phone all the time talking to her man. it works out pretty well actually.

colin gets his promotion tomorrow to PFC!!!
congrats babe :) love you <3

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Going to MacDill AFB today so i can have my mental health test!! and then i am done with all my paperwork! i am so excited :) hopefully i can go over to Germany really soon.

Friday, August 27, 2010

operation get sam to Germany

All i have left to do is have my screening test done! and then i can go be with my husband..and i am so excited. i went and got my passport today and i should get it in about a week or two.

I called Macdill today to set up a screening test but it goes straight to voicemail but hopefully they get back to me soon.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Hubby Got me a flower>>

Lucas got a new towel! isn't it cute!! he is such a flower child lol

Saturday, August 21, 2010

So i think,hope and pray that i will be able to go to Germany by the end of September. i wanna be able to spend the holidays with my husband.

This weekend has been interesting i have done nothing. and i think its just what i needed.friday night went out with mom and christina to the movie and saw "the switch" it was cute but lame at the same time. today mom and i went to the beach but got rained out. we got some color but not a lot. I wanna try and go to the beach a couple more times before i leave to germany. who knows when the next time i will get to go back to one. Tomorrow i am going to church with the family. my mom says that the service is really nice and kinda fun. which i find amazing so we shall see.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


i never thought in my entire life i could miss someone so much

Monday, August 16, 2010

In the last couple days I have work slept and worked some more. I can not wait to leave that stupid place!

I am making a appointment with my old doctor to see if she will fill out my physical papers so I can get them done. And after that hopefully schedule my screening! I am not gonna wait for the army. I wanna be with my husband!

Dad leaves tomorrow for louisiana :(

Sometimes I think that I am going to miss this place and then he says hello and I'm over it.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Family time

I love spending time with the family. Went to the movies with mom,dad and of course the sister. we went and saw the expendables! it was a amazing movie. i can't wait to see it again with Colin. After that i went shopping with Christina and Ben. and bought a 15 dollar shirt that was normally 40bucks! yay for sales! Tonight is devoted to friends tho. i am going to my friend heathers surprise birthday party. its at my friend brynne's house. she is having all the girls stay the night. it should be a lot of fun.

Friday, August 13, 2010

These people are the only reason why i am still at the job that i have now. i don't think i would be able to handle my job if these people didn't work with me. i hate my job but love my co-workers!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

past coming back to haunt me.

So when i was 16yrs of age i was in a car accident with my friend Torri and Christina. We were coming home from school one day and decided to take a trip to the mesa O and my friend torri was driving but it was Christina's car. well we probably got about half way up and torri decided that we were just gonna turn around and we would head home. well while heading down the hill our right tire hit the bank and we flipped. we rolled about 4times in the air and 5hitting the ground. After the car had finally stopped (thankfully on its wheels) we were all shaken up pretty good. Christina had to crawl out of her window her door was so damaged we couldn't open it. she was also bleeding from the head. torri and i were fine. i was in the back seat and when the back window broke a couple boulders came in and my back was pretty banged up for a while. we all had seat belt burns.Till this day i have dreams/nightmares about this day. i will never be able to forget it.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


So i just learned that jake pearce got into a car crash on his way home from arizona and is now paralyzed..His family has gone threw so much this year. earlier this year jakes brother JJ killed himself.

Pearce Family you are in my prayers!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

People keep telling me that being separated from him will get easier in time. That is such lies. Everyday is harder and harder to be away from him. I just want to be with him and yet i am still in Florida. The military is so slow about paperwork it kills me.

I love you!

My Soldier!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

your not alone!

Went out to dinner with the sister at ruby Tuesdays and then after that went to see " the other guys"! it was so so funny!i loved it.

I officially feel like a maughan now! i have all my I.D's switched over. and have new bank cards on the way so everything will finally say Samantha Maughan on them!!

Lately at work they have been cutting back hours and it hasn't been the greatest thing in the world. i almost wanna get a second job. i mean i need money. If i can't get it there i need to get it somewhere else.I'll have to talk to Cindy before i do anything i know but this is getting ridiculous. i only have 23hrs this week!

I am going to start making Colin a goodie box and hopefully ship it off to him by the end of this week.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Got my Military ID today!! I was supposed to go to the clinic today but they close way to freakin early. so i am gonna have to go another day. hopefully really soon. i wanna get all this stuff done with so i can see my husband.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Last Night..

Last night was well it was weird/amazing/dangerous/phenomenal!

Michelle and I went to Tana's graduation party at her house. and things started off slow. but got better as the night went on. I met this girl Heather Robinson (Jeff's sister) and her and i talked all night. She was the only other sober person there besides me and the pregnant lady (which was a bitch btw) I love making new friends. Last night was the first time i had seen Jeff since the wedding he gave me the biggest hug and congratulated me.He is such a sweetheart. He protected his sister and i all night from the woman beater. I was really surprised that Jeff didn't get into a fight last night with that guy i really was. The entire time im at this party all i can do i think about Colin and how bad i wished he was here with me.

Tuesday I will be one step closer to being with him..

Saturday, July 24, 2010


I just noticed how much my life has changed. HOLY SHIT!

change is good!

Friday, July 23, 2010

Tonight at work i had the worst time. This girl kept trying to get me to fight her the entire time and then i was talking to Colin the entire time which made it a little better but he started to not talk as much ounce he reached keva's which i understand. Michelle is the only person that really made me smile tonight and i love her so much for it. my job would be so lame if she wasn't there.

I got all my boxes from reno today! so of course that means i have my own computer..and i have missed it so much. i love this computer. course i have had it since i was a senior in high school but oh well. lol i am keeping everything else all packed up i don't really need anything else right now.

I love getting new music. i don't know why but it just makes me happy.

I mine and Colins'official marriage certificate in the mail today! :)

Colin Maughan

I married the greatest man i will ever met. He is the man of my dreams. I miss him so much

Saturday, July 17, 2010

blah blah blah

So Colin bought a TV projector thing today. and at first i didn't really understand why he bought it. i mean we were gonna get a TV anyways but he is way excited about it so i totally just went a long with it. and we will use that as a TV for now on i guess lol
I am so sick of being so far away from him.

Today i worked in the liquor store. and seriously it was so boring Colin was the only thing that kept me sane.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

So colin tells me today that i have to get my license to go over to Germany. i am so not ready to get it. I know that sounds weird but i am not a very good driver and i know it. and he wants me to get it in like 4-6 weeks! i really hope i can suck it up and get it. im scared but i know it can be done.
I was gonna go down to the DMV today and switch over my name but i think im gonna wait and just switch it over when i get my license so i don't have to go to that stupid place twice.

Monday, July 12, 2010


So today i get a email from the one and only husband of mine and he tell me that we are going to be in Germany for 3yrs! it started off at 2yrs but if he does this sponsor program it will be bumped up to three. and him and i talked it over and decided on three. It will be hard at first but its going to be a awesome adventure. Today i was officially put on the army system and thats exciting! now i just have to do everything on my end. which is a lot. i wish i didn't have to work right now so i could just get it all done in like a week. but i do have to work we need all money we can get right now.


Saturday, July 10, 2010

Goodbye nevada

Today christina and i go back to florida! thank the lord. I cant wait to sleep in my own bed

ounce i get home i have so much stuff i have to get done. first thing i need to switch over my permit so that it says samantha Joann Maughan on it. it will be weird at first but im sure after a while i will get used to it.

Colin got the weekend off so i have been able to talk to him all day! it was amazing. i guess someone in the barracks got really drunk and made a mess so another guy told him to clean it and well lets just say the drunk guy got knocked out. but everyone got into trouble because of the drunk guy. that means colin got into trouble and had to do a lot of PT time. he felt really sick afterwards i wanted to be there so i could take care of him.. soon i will be tho.really soon!

Friday, July 9, 2010


So Colin is 9hrs ahead of me right now. and it is so weird that he is. he will text me at like 10pm my time and it will be 7am his time. so right when im going to bed he is getting up its crazy! But of course being me i sleep with my phone so i can talk to him threw out the night.

Yesterday i went and saw Eclipse for the second time with my tia evie and my sister christina. I think it was better the second time around i missed a few things the first time i saw it.

The Maughan family is at their family reunion this weekend. It is in Logan Utah. I have never ever heard of that place until last week when colins dad told me about it and some of its history. im sure one day i will go there but probably not anytime soon.

I love my soldier

Thursday, July 8, 2010

July 3rd 2010

I was married to the greatest man i have ever met Mr. Colin Maughan! The wedding was perfect. We were so lucky that his mom was there to help us get everything ready. I don't think i could of done it without her. I am excited to be apart of their family.

I am so glad that my family was able to come down and spend the day with me. it wouldn't of been the same if they didn't get to go.

Colin had to leave for Germany on monday morning. it was so hard to say goodbye to him. I don't ever wanna have to do it again but i know i am going to have to. I should be able to be in germany with him in about 4-6weeks. i have to do a lot of stuff to get there but i don't care i don't wanna be without him anymore.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010


I never thought that one person could give me everything i wanted.

I leave tomorrow morning for vegas and i am so excited.i probably wont sleep tonight. I still have so much to pack. I have this big long list just to make sure i dont forget anything.

Last night i waited in like for over 5 hrs to see Eclipse. and it sucked to wait but the movie was totally worth it.

I can't wait to be Mrs. Samantha Maughan

Monday, June 28, 2010


Christina and i finally found ties that i like. i hate the fact that i am so freakin picky! but o well im glad its done. i also found a guest book that i like and christina got colin and i a cake cutter and server that is pretty cute.

My bachelorette party was on saturday! it was so much fun. my friends are hilarious. i can't believe some of the games we played but it was a good time. I got some really crazy gifts but i guess thats what you are supposed to get at a bachelorette party. my bridal shower is on July 2nd at Andrea Smiths house. and that should be interesting..Colins mom and grandma are going to be

For some reason for the last couple days all i have listened to is old Eminem cd' weird right! although last night i listened to maria bamford to go to sleep to but thats normal for me. she is probably my favorite comedian right now.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Colin got his phone back yesterday! and i couldn't be happier..well i guess i would be if i was actually with him but i will take what i can get for now.

Last night i went out with Michelle and nic prigel and well lets just say i really didn't have that much fun. they only person that really kept my entertained was Jason and i texted him until around 1am but didn't get home until

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

flight plans

Colin Lands in Vegas on the 25th around 5:30pm!I am so glad that he is finally going to be out of Georgia!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

one is the loneliest number..

My dad is home today! and all i have heard all day is the fact that i am getting married at a man he has never met. well ya know what soon enough he will get to meet him! And i can't wait for that moment.

We are in single digits now people for this countdown!! only 8 more days till i am in nevada and with the man i love. I am so excited :)

This saturday Is my bachelorette party at kristen house and also i get to go and pick up my dress from Davids Bridal.
Sunday i work
Monday i work
tuesday i go see eclipse with my sister at midnight
wednesday i PACK!
and thursday my sister and i are on our way to vegas!

Allyson told me last night that she will help take pictures at the wedding. and i am very thankful for that.

Sunday, June 20, 2010


My family has come to term with the fact that i am getting married! I am so proud of them!

Colin called me yesterday and told me that i can change his flight come so now he is leaving back to Georgia on the 5th instead of the 3rd which makes me very happy. Now we can have the wedding on the 3rd again and all my family can come :)
I Just got off the phone with Colin and he is so excited to be getting out of georgia for a while. I told him how Hanna and Josh are expecting a child and then of course he asked me when i wanted to have kids. all i could say was not for a while. I don't wanna have kids if he is gonna be shipped off to iraq. but i guess thats just me.

Today at work was so much fun! I got to hang out with cindy (my boss)! she is amazing. i never really get to see her so when we do finally get to work together its always a blast.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Wedding 7-3-2010

This wedding has gone from excellent to horrible to excellent again. The Army keeps changing days on me. i really hope they don't change them again because right now i am getting everything i want! Colin graduates from basic in a week! and i am so excited. I hate that i can't go but i will get to see him soon after and that helps. His mom and dad have helped out with this wedding so much. I don't think i could of done it without them. Being part of their is gonna be awesome.

Work for the last couple weeks has been a little crazy. But that is okay because it helps keep my mind off the wedding. i only have 13 more days till i see him and 12 till the wedding i am so excited and nervous and omg i think i might throw up! lol

I have decided that i am done hanging out with stupid boys! My friend Aaron is so stupid he got really drunk and kicked in the door at the bar we where at. and now he has to pay for it. He needs to stop drinking..well i think i just need to stop hanging out with him. i can't stand all his drama.

Monday, May 24, 2010


yesterday was great.
Colin got his phone all weekend! him and i got to talk about a lot of things. I also talked to his dad. which was a little strange but still okay. His dad was very nice. Colin got to talk to my mom. and im sure he just loved my mom is such a worrier. She can't just understand that i love him and want to be with him. o well. she wants to get to know him too thats fine.
So i am going to be in the valley for around a week. maybe more if my boss will let me.
I am going to apply for a passport this week!
Colin and his dad looked at rings yesterday. O and when i asked colin why he wanted my ring size. all he said was for the He is cute.
Working 1-9 today..woohoo!

Saturday, May 15, 2010


I don't think i can live in this very much longer with matt here. he has been steeling again. and that just not okay with me. my stuff isn't safe in my own home. what the fuck!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

whats been going on in my little life

In the past couple days i learned that colin is going to Germany after basic training now im not sure if those are his official orders yet or not but for right now that is where he is headed. Next weekend is Family Day and hopefully he will get his phone so i can talk to him about it. In his last letter he told me that he wants to write my parents a letter. i think its because i have been talking to his mom he wants to talk to mine and get to know my family a little better.He says that he is going to go to the valley for the 4th of july and he wants me to go with so i can get to know his family a little better. which is okay with me. I know it will go fine. The only thing i am rly worried about is how his parents are gonna like my tats. i can cover most of them but some they are gonna have to deal with. i would rather they get to know me for who i am then some stupid fake person. I have been getting a couple letters a week now from him. And getting a letter from him totally puts a smile on my face.

Yesterday Lucas Miles turned 1

My tia evie and grandma flo are here from nevada. they are staying for around a week. Which is awesome. i haven't seen them since January. course ben hasn't seen them in like 6yrs or something like that.

We are having a big party on saturday for andys birthday and also for lucas's. there are gonna be like 45ppl at the house.

Friday i am going to the rays game for Aarons birthday. and then probably to the bar afterwards. okay so i havent had a drink in a while. so i am probably gonna get drunk off of like i am totally becoming a

I am going to the gym everyday now!! and i am loving it. except for the fact that it makes my face breakout i feel like im in highschool

Sunday, May 2, 2010

I wanna go home! o wait i am home..damn it!

So i have decided that i am probably one of the worst girlfriends in the world. im pissed that coin chose to go see his family instead of me after his graduation from basic. sad right! I hate the fact that i come second. but i know it will always be that way. Writing letters is getting so old. can he please have his phone back now..i would like to talk to have a actual conversation with him!


i went to the rays game on friday. we lost but it was a lot of fun. afterwords i went bar hopping with ben,kim and chase. of course we ended up at fat daddys.the only place ben and chase like to drink at. This weekend i didn't do much. slept mostly. Ive been watching a lot of baseball lately. i like it a lot. I am going to another rays game in a couple weeks for Aarons birthday which should be fantastic!

I am gonna try and fly down for one week of colins leave. probably the first week of july. which would be on my birthday. Hopefully i can. because i don't rly wanna go to georgia. i know he wants me too. and i would be glad to if his parents werent gonna be there with us. with his parents there we will have no alone time at all! not that i don't mind sharing him i just know they would watch my every move. Amanda says she doesn't like colins mom. hopefully she isn't a bitch. i am nervous to meet her. but im sure everything will be fine ounce its over and done with.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

First off i would like to say that i don't want colin to go to freakin Europe after basic training! omg. why cant he go to like kentucky or something.AAHH!

My life has been boring as hell. i've decided not to go to colins family day and its pretty much killing me. but i can't afford it. but his graduation is in June so i will get to go to that. thankfully! after graduation is he going to nevada of course because well i am just his girlfriend and he needs to spend time with his family before he goes to freaking Europe!

Am i just supposed to wait for him while he is in Europe? i don't even know how long he is gonna be over there.

Friday, April 23, 2010


So i haven't written in a while. might be because my computer is still in reno or because i am totally lazy. either way it didn't happen. so for a update on my life here it is.
I am working like crazy at sweetbay 32-40hrs a week. and yet i am still broke all the time. ounce i am done paying off some of my debt from my move to reno i am going to start paying back jason. i still don't feel right how he paid for me so i am going to pay him back it may take me years but its going to happen. When im not working i have been going to the gym because well its free(kinda) and it makes me feel better about myself. I usually go out maybe ounce or twice a week with my friend michelle. because she is amazing and really the only really friend i have here besides some guys from work. Aaron and i are becoming good friends. he usually hangs out with michelle and i on thursday but lately his job has stopped him from doing that. Im just glad he isn't being a douche
Since Colin has been at basic i have been getting a letter once or twice a week but this week i haven't gotten anything it is kinda making me worry just a lil. Im sure there is a good reason but when letters are my only communication with him worrying is all i can do until i get one. He invited me to go to family day which is next month the 22-23. I really wanna go but i don't think i will have the money to. but if i don't go to family day i will definitely go to his graduation which i planned to do since the beginning.
Sometimes i really miss reno. mostly the people in reno. mostly jason. i miss hanging out with him everyday and picking on him. and yes i do miss zoey. she is a crazy dog but i love her. she is nothing like the dogs i have in florida. these dogs are so spoiled. my mom gives them whatever they want.
I hate living with rachel. i want her to leave this house and never return. she is such a bitch and she treats my mom like shit. But lucas is getting so big and so freaking cute. he is starting to crawl and can kinda stand up by himself now. his birthday is next month. he is finally going to be one years old :)

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Back in FLorida

So being back in Florida is totally strange. i am already back to work which to me is a good thing. but the people down here are different. and its not a good different. I don't really have any good friends down here anymore. i drifted apart from them. which at the time it happened i really didn't care because i didn't plan on coming back to Florida but i guess god had other plans for me.
I haven't really gone out since I've been here except with my brother Ben and my friend Michelle. other than that i have stayed home and just lounged about. I wanna go buy some roller skates this weekend so i can start skating again. i miss it so much. but i don't know if i will i have to work all weekend. but hopefully i get the time. O I'm also going to a tattoo convention this weekend with my brother and that should be really fun! I guess thats all i have to write about for now.

Monday, March 1, 2010


A week from tomorrow i will be back in florida. How fuckin crazy is that. omg. I can't seem to get myself motivated to really pack up my life again but i know i have to. Last weekend was fun. Jason drew and i pretty much just stayed in. we went and saw the crazies and it was actually a pretty good movie and i do well with scary movies. O wow i just realized that sarah medina could be here tomorrow if she comes up. wow. forgot about that with everything thats going on. So cindy already put me on the schedule for next week! so of course all my old office people saw it and started texting me. Im not even back yet and i've already gotten invited to go to applebee's three times. omg i forgot how much these people go there. o well!

Last night i texted Aaron till like 1am. and thats 4am his time. it was a good conversation tho.weird but good.Last night i also talked to Kristen VanAusdal from high school. it was crazy of how much her and i had in common now. she is a totally different person than she was in high school. O i also talked to tonya chidester and she is just a big downer. i ended that conversation in like 5minutes. i think she hates me because i live with jason and she has had a crush on him since like 9th o well.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Today i am going threw my room and trying to get things ready for my big move. I really do hope i am making the right decision. i know i need to move back so that i can make money i just hate the fact that i couldn't find a job here in reno. but o well. I talked to Cindy again today and it was a good conversation. they kept all my old name tags. I think they knew i was gonna come back.

Nichole invited me to go rollerskating tonight and i really wanna go. It probably wont be good for my ankle but fuck it. im going anyways. if it starts to hurt worse i'll stop.

I have to admit i am excited to see my sister and brothers again. o and Lucas. But i sure am gonna miss Jason :(

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


With everything that has happened in the last couple days i am so freaking stressed out! Today i came to the decision that i am going to move back to Florida. I don't really want to but i know i have to. I can't keep living here in reno without a job its not fare to me or Jason. In Florida i already have A job at Sweetbay being a bookkeeper. I make okay money. but you can be sure i am gonna save all the money i can so i can come down and visit. I never thought that in one day my entire life can change so drastically. I'm glad that i already know people there and i don't have to meet all new people again. Everyone from Florida is already texting me and inviting me to parties even tho i'm still in Nevada. Well Nevada i am only here for one more month. Lets make the best of it! ( i really don't wanna pack again)

Aaron is already excited about me moving back. O gosh i can't even imagine whats gonna happen when i see him again.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

So this week/weekend has been pretty eventful. i have yet to get a call back from the cal-Neva but Dana said they still haven't hired anyone for that job so i am still in the running for it. i talk to reggies mom about the job she wants me to do and it seems easy enough i am going to go to her house sometime this week and she is gonna she me how its done and if i like it then i will start doing it that day. ( reggies mom is really nice!)

Friday night we went to the chocolate bar and it was a lot of fun and after that we went to stumpy's of course and saw the rest of our family. we got Amanda to drink for the first time in 43days. it was amazing to have her back to her normal drunken self. Saturday the roomies and i went and saw the movie Valentines day. It was really cute i liked it course i am a sucker for the romantics. after that we went to a party at Amanda's old bosses house which was a lot of fun we learned a new drinking game called baseball. i didn't play but i watched and it looked like fun. So Friday night we got home at 5am and Saturday night we got home at 3am. its been a long but great weekend.

Today is Valentines day and i have nothing planned. I think the best part of the day will be torturing Jason. But stumpy's is having some sort of thing tonight so we might do there. you never know what can happen. we shall see.

Monday, February 8, 2010


Wow so its another Monday. I really hope i get a phone call from the Cal Neva today or tomorrow. O and i need to call or text Reggie today and see if his mom still has a job for me.

So i can't spot listening to Maria Bamford she is pretty freakin hilarious.

I wanna take a trip to the valley but its hard when u have no job! damn it :(

So my sister Christina is freaking moving on up in sweetbay. she is now the backup scan coordinator and my really good friend "gregafer" is the scan coordinator. i miss him he is like a 50 yr old man. but he was the coolest guy there we had so much fun together when we would both open together. i guess its just hitting me that i left a really good job which i could use right now since you know i don't freaking have a job!

Losing weight and i am loving it. I am probably not doing it in a good way but o well. I am tired of being the fat friend to everyone. Sarah and i had this conversation the other day and it sucks she knows what its like. She is also trying to lose weight. but she is doing it in a healthier way than i am.

The super bowl was yesterday. the saints won against the colts. i don't really care since my team didn't play. Go Steelers!! course i kinda wanted the colts to win just to defy Reggie.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Nothing really new with me. I think im gonna talk to my mother today. i need to tell her some things that she should probably know.
O i have a rly bad toothache. omg. i wanna cry right now.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

So i got a email today saying that the federal government has accepted my tax return and that i am scheduled to get my return on the 19th of Feb. i am so excited!

Last night i fell asleep to a movie called "Penelope" and i had one of the best dreams i have had in a long time. usually my dreams are horrible. this dream was good and i woke up with a smile on my face!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Got my box today in the mail! so i got to do my taxes today. which was awesome. my mom also gave me a couple pairs of pants. i keep dropping weight so none of my pants fit me and most of my shirts are really baggy its totally attractive.

I watched the Audrey Hepburn story last night. i seriously love that movie. i could probably watch it every single day. she is my favorite actress of all time.

I think Torri should move to reno!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


I have a secret!!!!

*Jason doesn't even know..i wonder how long i can keep it from him.probably not long.
I wish i had all my w-2s so i could do my freakin taxes!!

My hand is gettin worse i think. it hurts when i bend my fingers.

Went to the cala neva yesterday and filled out a application and talked to dana about the job. i really hope i get it!

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Love the weekend

Yesterday Jason and i pretty much the entire day with his boss Jerry and his wife Dana and it was so awesome. the guys stayed outside all day and worked on jerry's jeep and Dana and i stayed inside and got drunk! i loved it. Her and i made a really good dinner. i didn't really eat a lot of eat but it was still good. After than I went and played lazer tag with my awesome friends.(Amanda,Nichole,Jack,Jason,Brandon,Megan,Drew) I didn't play as well as i did last time but i was trashed by that time. i was totally doing 007 moves on the ground and just having a blast. i didn't care about the points. Then Amanda and I went and Gambled a little while everyone else went and golfed. Then Went to a country bar/dance place at the GSR and it was a lot of fun. Amanda nichole and i danced out asses off!

This morning i woke up with Bruises on the right hand and i seriously don't know how i got them and they really don't feel that good. they are dark purple :(

Saturday, January 30, 2010

What would i do without my friends

Went and saw "when in Rome" last night with Jason,Chris,Nichole,Amanda,Jack,George and Laura. The movie Was ok. It was really really cheesy and we all pretty much knew what was gonna happen before it did. but last night was still a blast. We had more fun talking in the hall way of the movie theater than actually watching the movie.

I Slept a little last night. i went to bed at like midnight and then woke up 2 and went back to bed around 4 and then woke up again at like 7. and now i am up for the day. i have a feeling this not sleeping thing is gonna catch up with me and im gonna crash..HARD! o well we shall see.

Friday, January 29, 2010


I have pretty much gotten used to my mom making me sad when i talk to her. that when i moved out i broke her heart pretty much. but last night she really made me cry. she told me that since i left my sister goes to movies by herself and does things a lone. i was truly her only friend there. and sister for that i am really sorry that i left you. you and i had our up and down through our relationship but the last couple years i felt that we grew closer probably because we are both in our 20's. when we were both teenagers we pretty much hated each other. I MISS MY SISTER!

Thanks mom for making me realize that moving across country really does change everyones life and not just my own.

Thursday, January 28, 2010


So since i don't have a job i figure i will clean the house. and i don't mind cleaning i really don't it relaxes me and makes me clear my head. but since Drew and Megan are PIGS i have to clean like every freakin day just to make our house look half way decent. and its not like i can tell them that they need to start picking up after themselves. cleaning is the one way i contribute to the house so i really can't complain..although megan doesn't do shit for the house..

I think i am going to stop sleeping all together. i am hating my dreams lately so i don't even wanna have any ever again!!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Bands i couldn't live without

Mayday parade
Rise against
Job for a cowboy
Garth brooks
Imogen heap


well i didn't think this was possible but my dreams have gotten weirder. the other night i had a dream that we were all puppets not everyone in the world just everyone that is in my life. and it freaked me out! ( thats what i get for falling asleep to Jeff Dunham) now last night we weren't puppets or anything but everyone that i had ever met was in my dream even if i had only met them for a couple hours at like a party or the bar they were there. and it was like this big reunion. and somehow everyone knew each other. except no one knew me. i would talk to people and they wouldn't have any idea who i was. it was like my entire life was just erased.

Monday, January 25, 2010

steeler fan at heart

So yesterday i watched a lot of football. the Colts won but vikings lost (sry jason) the super bowl is in two weeks!! its going to be a good game i think the Colts Vs. Saints. i don't even know who i am going to root for. probably the saints just because its reggies team.
Last night i went to bed watch Jeff Dunham and i am never doing that again. he gave me a rly crazy dream about dolls and i didn't like it.
Today i rearranged my room and i think it looks alright. i am still getting used to it. and so is Zoey. that dog is crazy i'm telling ya.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Yay Bowling!!

Went Bowling last night. it was fun. i actually am getting better which is good. i used to suck rly bad and now i just suck.
This weekend has been pretty eventful. we had to clean up our front yard because it was somewhat messy and the city of reno didn't like it. and i guess that was fun. it was fuckin cold! but our yard looks a lot better. specially since we put the elcamino in the garage!
Last night i got to talk to Aaron for a while. it was good. i'm glad him and i are keeping in touch. He is way excited for the games today. which i guess i am. steelers aren't playing so i don't really feel the need to watch. but i will..maybe.
Its snowing right now.not rly bad. but still means its cold outside!!
My mom is still pressuring me to move back to Florida.

Thursday, January 21, 2010


Me and my Father
Bella and I ( Bella is my cousins Sarah Hayes little girl we call her Tinker Bell)

throat hurts!!

I can't believe that i haven't had a job for almost 2weeks now the first week i was in overton so i didn't really think about it. but now being home thats all i can think about. i can't stand not working.

Today i think nichole (crush) and i are going rollerskating but i'm not sure. she said she wanted to go everything Thursday and Sunday but i don't know if she remembers or not.

Last night it snowed..not as much as people thought but still a good amount.

I got to talk to Aaron for a good time last night. which was good i guess. he is having problems with his dad. i wish i would help him. but i guess all i can do i be there for him.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Last night i got my hair cut at some place in the mall. and seriously its weird. i haven't had short hair in forever!! lol but i like it. i was so sick of long hair.

This morning i was on the phone all morning with this stupid magazine company wondering why they are taking money out of my account when i had canceled my account around a year ago. i was pissed!

My head is pounding. and throat is killing me. the swelling on my glands and tonsils has gone down a lot but they still hurt really bad.

I talked to my mom yesterday and all she could talk about me not having a job. and that in florida i have one already. she can't get over the fact that i don't wanna go back there. she needs to let me be.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Overton is the same. i dont think it will ever change which is sad.
My trip went really really well except for the fact that you know my parents tried to brib me to come back to florida. they offered me a house! i think they realized that i actually do wanna be here when i turned them down. I got to see Torri and Kenna. and well lets just say i love them both very much..(kenna is my wife and torri is my mistress) i hope to see them again soon.

Back in reno i still need to find a job! and fast. although job hunting sucks ass i gotta do it.

Last night i made enchiladas for the roomies..and reggie and casey! they turned out okay. my nana's are way better. but i think i just need to practice so i hope they like them enough so i can make them again.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

I don't know whats going on. but hopefully this coming week will answer a lot of my questions.

something i can not change but until i try i'll never know!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

My mom and dad will be here on friday. i wont see them till monday but i am just happy that they are going to be in nevada! i can't wait to see my mom. i didn't think i would miss her as much as do.

Why do some people have to be so selfish!

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