Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Be Brave!!

since going to macdill and learning that i am done with all my paperwork the waiting game sucks! all i wanna do is go to germany and it seems like the army is taking forever!! when in all actuality it has only been 4days lol

People at work are starting rumors already about the day i am leaving. my boss has already asked me if i have put in my notice because she had heard that i did. i hate people that talk about stuff that has nothing to do with them. we aren't in high school anymore people get over it i know my life is better than yours lol

Starting to plan my going away dinner! it is gonna be around the end of this month i want me dad to be there because he is the best cook i have ever known and only he can cook my going away dinner. its gonna be the last time i will be able to eat his food for a long time.

Michelle and i aren't really hanging out as much as we used to. all she does it party and i am so over that. I know she knows i have changed a lot and she is coming to terms with it.

Heather and i are hanging out more! and i love it. she always makes me laugh. her and i have a lot in common and the fact that both of our men live away from us helps. she doesn't mind that i am on the phone all the time talking to colin because she is on the phone all the time talking to her man. it works out pretty well actually.

colin gets his promotion tomorrow to PFC!!!
congrats babe :) love you <3