Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Okay well i am finally in germany! and well lets just say so far things are going great but of course i have only been here for like 3days but lets see if we can keep this up. it has snowed basically every single day since i have been here! its kinda awesome i mean when i lived in reno it never snowed this much. tonight tho germany played a little switch up on us and it is raining. its nothing like florida rain but hey its rain. I tried to use mine and colins new camera but i couldn't find the batteries to it. we have everything everywhere at the moment. as soon as i find them i will take tons of pictures for everyone. Colin had staff duty on thursday and that means he will be gone all day and night on thursday but he will have friday off. but he will probably spend the day sleeping and me being nice will probably let him..(key word probably)