Thursday, December 30, 2010


Christmas was amazing!! we didn't really do much. actually i think we slept most of the day but we had a nice time just spending it with each other. We got some really neat things from our family. I got a really nice wall hanging from my mother in law and some socks from grandma and grandpa solomon. I love all the christmas cards that we have been getting from his side. i don't know who most of the people are but its nice that they sent them.

The other night i found all the gift cards that we got for our wedding that i hadnt used so of course we used them! and got a lot of neat stuff for our place. i can't wait to get them. Colin and i are still waiting for the email that says our stuff is here. i really hope it comes soon. i can't stand the bed they gave us it is hurting both of ours backs. it is a month today since they packed up our stuff and shipped it off to germany.

Colin signed back into work yesterday and that means he has to wake up early on monday monrning. Its going to suck but it also a good thing because it gives him five extra days on his next leave.
( which we beleave will be in may)

Saturday, December 18, 2010

things u find while unpacking

Colin and i have been slowly unpacking our place. but we really can't wait to get the rest of our stuff. the bed they gave us is really uncomfertable and is hard to sleep on. so i can't wait to get my bed back.
We found these pants while unpacking one of colins and when he put them on i had to take a picture! He is to cute.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Our walk

haha we had just got home from a walk and it was raining and there was snow on the ground so we were a little wet but it was a lot of fun. Colin showed me around post and took me to the px and the commisary.
Its weird to think that i haven't even been here for a week yet.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Okay well i am finally in germany! and well lets just say so far things are going great but of course i have only been here for like 3days but lets see if we can keep this up. it has snowed basically every single day since i have been here! its kinda awesome i mean when i lived in reno it never snowed this much. tonight tho germany played a little switch up on us and it is raining. its nothing like florida rain but hey its rain. I tried to use mine and colins new camera but i couldn't find the batteries to it. we have everything everywhere at the moment. as soon as i find them i will take tons of pictures for everyone. Colin had staff duty on thursday and that means he will be gone all day and night on thursday but he will have friday off. but he will probably spend the day sleeping and me being nice will probably let him..(key word probably)