Saturday, October 30, 2010

my oh my

Okay so today has been an interesting day. I woke up and went to breakfast with my brothers and sister at a place called nortons it was really good. i haven't eaten that much food in such a long time.


Colin has to write a 5000 word essay! and i am trying to help him as much as i can but there is really only so much i can do. i hate that i can't write it for him because he hates to write and i love writing. but last time i checked he was on page like 6 and that means he is like half way done lol i guess there is another guy that has to do the essay as well and he was on page 1 last time colin asked. colin tried to help him but he didn't want it. My hubby is so nice.

Colin has a doctors appointment on Monday!!!

Tomorrow is Halloween and i was really hoping i could be with my husband but it doesn't seem like thats gonna happen :( I miss him so much. i am keeping my head up tho and staying strong. thats all i can do.

Monday, October 25, 2010

people are idiots

Today at work i felt like yelling at this lady. she had a huge order but then at the end decided to take some stuff off which i could understand i mean if u don't have enough money u don't have enough money. but no she took the food off because if she didn't she wouldn't have money to buy her cigs! come on. who does that! it made me angry. if i could refuse people service i totally wouldn't of given her those cigarettes.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

My man

I have got to talk to colin all day today and it has made my day amazing. he knows just what to say to keep my calm and not over analyze things. i love him with all my heart and soul.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

update on today

Wow so today i didnt do much but i did go to the gym and it was amazing. i havent gone in like a week i felt like such a slacker and since colin went to bed at noon my time i had really nothing to do so i went and worked my ass off i loved it!

downloaded the new sugarland cd and it is amazing. i love her voice!

Eminem - Love The Way You Lie ft. Rihanna

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

work stress

I have the next two days off!!! and i am so excited, i have worked the last 6days because my boss kept calling out. i guess her and her husband had a huge fight so she left the state. she told me that she was gonna tell me everything when she got back but i doubt that she will. right now she owes me a lot. i am so sick of working for those people. i can't wait to leave

Monday, October 18, 2010

ramblings from sam

Today Colin and learned that our paperwork is at the last place that it has to go to for approval! i am so excited. i am still trying to figure out how to get a SOFA stamp for my passport but so far everyone i have talked to says i shouldn't need it. hopefully i figure it out soon. i wanna have it just in case. i really hope that i get to be there really soon so him and i can spend the holidays together.

Lately i have been kinda somewhat blowing off my friends. its not that i am mad at them or dislike them idk i just don't feel like going out lately. but i think i am gonna have to go out with michelle soon she is getting a little upset i think that i keep bailing on her. hopefully we do something fun.

Today is my 6th day in a row working..i am so glad that i have tomorrow off..i for sure need it.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

gotta love it when people tend to walk all over you.

So im gonna say when i started working at this company i was a little nieve thinking that everyone was my friend because they wanted to be. well now i am coming to understand its not because they wanna be my friend its because they want me to think that we are friends and then when they need something they call on me to do it because they know that i am way to nice of a person to say no. people suck! and they really know how to make u feel like a piece of crap. i really can't wait to leave this place. everytime something like this happens to me it just makes me wanna leave more. and people may say oh come on ur just helping out a friend. well this said friend has never ounce helped me out and when i have asked she always said no. but stupid me i always say yes because i feel bad for said person. well here i am awake at 5am on a sunday getting ready to go to work when im supposed to have the day off. never again!

Friday, October 15, 2010

skype call with colin :)

 this man makes my heart race
 i miss that smile <3
he really likes guitar hero lol
Sleepy :(

I love him!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

update on colin :)

So Colin is going to be in the field from Thursday-Friday and that means he will have no communication for those days.He went to the eye doctor yesterday and got a new pair of glasses that look really good on him! but they are just temporary until he get lasic. He barley passed to get lasic surgery but he is excited to get it. he doesn't like wearing glasses at all. Colin thinks he may have a hernia and has been trying to find time to go get it looked at. he was gonna go this week but his srgts wouldn't let him go. i hope he gets the chance to go really soon. He took a PT test yesterday and really the only part he doesn't do well on is sit ups. So for the next few weeks he was told that he has to do 300 sit ups before the end of every week day. he is going to be in so much pain for the next few weeks.

this weekend he put in for a pass so he can leave post and go see some sites. he knows people in a near by town that he is gonna go see. he needs a break from his roommate and well he just needs to go off post and explore a little. i think it will be good for him. and he is going to be taking pictures for me!! Oh this will only happen if his pass gets approved by his command. if it doesn't he will be stuck on post yet again.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

photoshop fun

sad sam

so colin and i always hoped that we would be together for the holidays so that we could spend them as a family. well its already the middle of october and i really dont see it happening. I mean i really hope that we can but come on its already been what 4months and i am still not with him. what makes us even think they can get there act together in 2weeks so we can spend halloween together, i know its not really a major holiday but we were hoping it would be our first together. just wishful thinking i guess.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

New computer :)

Picture was taken while talking to colin lol

so i got a new computer today. and it is amazing. the one i had before was around 4yrs old and was falling apart so i got a new one! i love it. i've never had a computer with a web cam before its a bunch of fun and plus it will be easier for my to talk to colin on this one which makes me happy :)

Saturday, October 9, 2010


For the last few days i have been having really bad headaches and my face has been breaking out really bad. its because of stress i know it. i want it all to go away.I look horrible because of it. but there is still no word on my paperwork so i am never going to have clear skin again!