Today is packing day. well i've pretty much been packing for the last month. but today i am doing a lot. taking apart the bed. packing the wii and the shoes.clearing off the desk. i may be unplugging my computer soon.i haven't decided yet when i am going to be doing this. maybe today or tomorrow. i need to find a good safe way to ship it first.
Tonight i am going out with Kristen and Mariana. crazy right. i haven't talked to either in over a month. after that i am going to a party with aaron at andrews :-)
Blog Archive
Aug 2009
- Last night was fun..went out with aaron and michel...
- Last night was a total bust. it sucked so bad. i w...
- I have two of the best friends in the world. i can...
- Wow so i talked to tim last night for a good hour....
- <33
- WORK WORK WORK WORK...thats pretty much all i do.
- Work sucked so bad today! i rly do hate ppl.Kriste...
- 23DAYS!
- damn mothers
- packing packing and more packing.
- cars.
- in the middle of packing..
- coffee at 5am is like heaven in a cup. its so deli...
- My room is almost packed. its crazy how fast this ...
- coffinbass is cool
- My father is a Ass.thats all i have to say for rig...
Aug 2009