Saturday, November 29, 2008

I am so freaking sick of opening. everything went wrong today that could of went wrong. it sucks i don't know how cindy handles it!

today i bought NBT(next big thing) tickets. it was buy one get one. but i can't find anyone to go with me. i tried to get jason to fly down for a day but he said he couldn't. in nevada i would never have this problem.

Friday, November 28, 2008

bitch bitch bitch

worked sucked so bad today. it felt like it was going on forever! now i am home which believe me doesn't make my life any better. i wanted to go shopping this morning with my mom and sister to get some christmas present but no my bitch of a boss made me work. because someone else that she actually like wanted it off too.(so she got it off and she made me open)

I have to open the rest of the weekend and then again on monday.(i should of thought this promotion through befor i took it)

Thursday, November 27, 2008

it 5:50am and i am getting rdy to go back to work. there is seriously something wrong with this. i worked 10 hours yesterday. now im going back for me..ugh! kill me. people are so stupid this time of year i swear.

all the kids in my family picked names out of a hat so we only have to buy one christmas present this year. and plus our parents. (i got matt) i wanted to get ben but i didn't. i think i am still going to get him something. i know he wants something sailor jerry(he wants to be cool like me)so i will probably get him something from there. (i'm such a nice sister)


Wednesday, November 26, 2008

so its the day befor thanksgiving and i got called into work 4 hours early.

today is going to suck!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

21st birthdays

So out of my friends i am going to be the last one to turn 21.
torri turns 21 on monday! and then jason will turn 21 in march. i know thats only two people but rly they are the only two friends that actually matter to me. they have been there for me for sometime now and they are probably the only two people in the world that know everything about me.. I can't believe we are finally going to be 21. time has gone by so fast.
hopefully i will be able to take a trip around my 21st. hopefully its not to much after my birthday. I wish i could be there for both of there's. Love you guys.

Monday, November 24, 2008

give me

This is my new phone. i love it.


Sunday, November 23, 2008

what was i thinking!

Last night i got to spend time with mariana and her new husband..o ya sailor jerry was there too. (of course). i didn't drink that much. but just enough for me to tolerate the people i was with. my friend kristen took me driving the other day. and i did ok. i only scared her ounce. so i thought it was an improvement from the last time i went driving. she said she will take me again so im excited for that..i wanna learn how to drive. its something that i need in my life.some indpendence. so hopefully i can finally get my lisence.

you know what i realized. i haven't had a boyfriend in over a year. which is rediculous. i need to get out there. and meet new people. i think i am sociable. but maybe im not. i hate florida. all the girls down here are freakin gorgeous and well im not. i wish i could just switch bodies with someone so i wont have to go through this shit anymore.UGH!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Today i have been a total bum. i haven't even stepped out of my house yet

I have to work 3pm. which trust me it sucks. but i need to the money so i am totally ok with it.

My new phone kicks ass!
(o ya i got a new phone yesterday)

i miss singing in a chior. i need to find some place to get voice lessons or something. just so i can start singing again. what i rly need to do is get my GED but hey thats another story.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

wow so i bought a new phone today. it called the verison blitz. its pretty freakin awesome. i probably should of bought it. but it was needed. now i have a huge credit card but o well it will take me like two weeks to pay that off.

i miss torri and jason.
i can't wait till april to see them both.

i went to a straight edge concert last night. it was weird. but the bands where actually

Saturday, November 15, 2008

I have to go get my piercing taken out. and it sucks. i love it. but its starting to hurt everyday now. o well.

im going to a casey jones concert with will im kinda excited. it should be good.

kristen, mj, and i decided we are going to take a trip to georgia in december. its gonna be awesome. i cant wait. 

I got a raise at work!! o and i now have vacation pay. so when i go to nevada i will get paid for it. how awesome is that!! 

i need to get a new phone. that is so not in my budget right now though damn it!

Monday, November 10, 2008

wow. so tomorrow is mj's big day. if i was her i would be freaking out right about now. but thats just me.

ill have pictures up tomorrow.
Today is the day of all days..I have no work! and for me thats awesome.

things to do today:
-get dressed and do hair
-decide what shoes to wear today.
-clean room
-play wii
-go shopping with kristen(find mj a wedding gift)
-chill with friends
-hopefully talk to jason/torri

Tomorrow is mariana's aka MJ's wedding. i can't call her mj anymore. but i can call her MM. after tomorrow her name will be Mariana Mori. weird. i can't believe she is getting married. but i do understand why she is doing it. and im glad she is staying in the country. it would be weird without her here.

You never know how lucky you are until you see someone who isn't as lucky.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

turn these nightmares into dreams

Andy aka dad got a job in louisiana as a captain on a boat. he will be gone for 28 days and then he will be home for 28 days. its pretty awesome for me. because you know he is a big pain in my ass. but my mom has been such a bitch since he has left. i just wish he would come home already. i would rather out up with his shit everyday then have to put up with her bitchiness.

I bought Wii Music the other day. its freakin sweet. i can't stop playing it. anytime i have some free time i play. im actually getting pretty good too. and i didn't think that would ever happen.

I have to work a long time today. (but think of all the money)
i need to start saving for nevada.(that means no more shopping!!)

Saturday, November 8, 2008


Halloween had to be one of the best halloweens i have had in a long time. i don't rly remember most of it. but that was the good part.

so i finally made a rly good friend down here in florida. suprisingly its a bad she had to start dateing my brother..why does this shit always happen to me??
i don't feel like i can talk to anybody about this. and i don't wanna tell my brother that it bothers me because i don't wanna mess up his feelings for my friend. uh!

Mj is getting married this tuesday!!(crazy)

Blitzkid is going to be in tampa this saturday!!(can't go)

i feel as if i am drifting from all my friends and family.