Thursday, June 2, 2011


Time sure is flying. June 7th is the last frg meeting before the deployment. Thankfully Colin isn't deploying. I know that can change at anytime but for right now I am totally excited. Colin and I hope to get a car after block leave! Which will make things a lot easier. All my friends here keep saying I am going to get pregnant for sure now that he isn't leaving but let's hope that doesn't come true lol. I wanna wait on the kid thing :)


So while here in Germany i have made two different types of friends. Ones with kids and ones without. now i LOVE to hang with the people without kids because they have more freedom and they like to travel like colin and i do. But i also LOVE to hang with the people with kids. We have BBQ's with them and just some good family fun and its awesome. but something with them if you don't have kids you kinda get left out. like today all the women i usually hang with that have kids all went to the park together but i wasnt invited well because i don't have any. and two of my friends they don't have kids just found out they are pregnant so they are all baby happy. All people do over here is have kids. i swear everyone is preggers right now its is starting to piss me off. why would these women wanna get pregnant before deployment. there husbands aren't going to be here for the birth if they are lucky they will get to see the baby at a couple weeks, idk just being a army wife can be hard sometimes. you really have to be dependant on yourself. sorry this kind of turned into a rant lol