Wednesday, May 25, 2011


(Colin and I in the Alps)

So today we found out that colin will not be deploying with everyone in July! which we don't know how to feel about this. But it does mean that we will get to spend more time together to do things like this ^^

Sunday, May 22, 2011

How come!

Even tho i have to work all weekend and Colin is home he can't do the simplest chores around the house and I have to do them when I get off. I don't get to be lazy on my days off work. I have to clean and do Laundry and go grocery shopping. Why can't he do the same! Sorry just had to get that out. I love him with all my heart but sometimes i wonder...why!!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Ich habe den schönsten Mann!

Today after work Colin gave me a foot massage and it was just what I needed. Work was kinda long and sweaty I had to move and lift heavy boxes all day oh and these boxes are full of shoes! Lol I love shoes but omg if i have to lift anymore of them in gonna die. There is a new girl at work and she is from Vegas!! I feel like I can finally talk to someone normally and not worry about my slang words. Yay for Americans :)

On the home front only 32 more days until Colin and I are in florida!! And I am totally stoked to show him around and make sure he has a great time!


Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Army wife

So after last nights briefing it is really starting to hit me that Colin will be going to war come July. They still haven't given us a date yet so all we know is mid July. Which will be soon after our leave is over. So I plan to make this summer the best one ever for him!!! I am going to miss this man so much. He is my everything.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Its been a long time so here is a little update.

Colin and i are doing great and having tons of fun while in Germany. He is scheduled to Deploy sometime in July. we don't have a exact date yet but it can be anytime before september 1st. I hate my job at the px. i was in the clothing department but then they switched me to the shoe department which also sucks! I really can't wait to quit this job. colin says that i can because he makes enough money by just being in the army but i feel bad not working and him paying for everything. so before i stop working at the px i am going to apply at the USO and maybe the CDC.

Tonight Colin and I are going to a pre-deployment briefing. They are going to have speakers from all the buisnesses in the community to try and help all the families be ready for when our men leave. its hard to believe that this time next year Colin is going to be gone.