Wednesday, November 24, 2010


So yesterday Colin and I got a 2 Bedroom apartment on base! it looks pretty nice from the pictures he sent me. it comes with a wash and dryer which i think is amazing! Colin gets the keys on monday!!!

Today i am supposed to get a call from the moving company who is gonna come pack up all of our stuff. and if they dont call then i have to call them and make sure that someone was scheduled to do so.

I feel like i have been packing constantly! thats all i do now is pack lol its getting old but it has to get done so i am doing it.

My mom is starting to get sad and thats understandable i mean her little girl is leaving to germany in 9 days. it was hard for her when i moved to reno and that was in the same country! these next 9days are going to interesting.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Sams Going To GERMANY!!

Today i had a crazy but productive day at Macdill. I scheduled mine and colins pick up for our stuff for next week. i have to call on monday to make sure it all went through. I booked my flight which was easy and FREE! I learned some things today about army lingo. which im sure i will need to know for future refrences. Its a lot to take in all at ounce but it needed to get done and i am very glad that its all done! I don't think its hit me yet that im leaving. im sure its gonna hit in a couple days when i start to realise that i may not be back here in about 2yrs. wow. But i am so excited to go and start my new life with my wonderful husband He was great today. he wasn't there in person but he did as much as he could being so far away. Oh so they say that it will take around a month and a half for our stuff to get there so probably around the begining of january will we get everything. so my mom and i are going to go yard selling and try and find some stuff for our new place! i wish colin could be here to help me find things but looks like its up to me.

Depart: Tampa Fl. December 3 at 9:46am
Arrive: Frankfurt Germany December 4 at 7:05am

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

MacDill Airforce Base

Friday i am going to Macdill in the early morning with my mom. Her and i are going to schedule pickup for all of mine and colins stuff so it can be shipped over to us in Germany. it should take around a month to get to us but the cool thing about that is since we wont have any stuff the army is going to let us borrow stuff until ours comes. we hear that the stuff they give you is like hotel funiture. so atleast we wont have to like sleep on the floor or anything. After we schedule the pick up i have to call and make my flight arangments which is cool.I hope i can get there around thanksgiving but since it is coming up so quickly i don't know if i will be able to. I really want to tho. i don't want Colin to be alone on thanksgiving so i pray that i will be there in time.I'm not sure when colin gets to go look at houses i hope soon. He has been in class for the last couple days. We are both really excitede to finally getting this stuff done. We can't wait to be together <3

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The day has FINALLY come!

Ours papers were approved! and i am finally able to join Colin in Germany!!!!! Good thing i already quit my job lol I don't think people understand how excited i am about this. We have been waiting for this day for four months now and i never thought it would come but it has. Its an amazing feeling to know i am going to be able to see him again before he deploys..I LOVE YOU COLIN MAUGHAN!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

No longer a working girl :)

So lately i have been really dreading my job. I love the people there ( well most of them)  i just can't stand being there anymore. its something i tried to put to the side until i heard something about my paperwork but i just couldn't. My boss treats me really bad and yesterday just set me over the edge so i talked about it with Colin first of course and him and i decided that it was time for me to quit that place. He knew i was unhappy and i truly was. So i work this following week and i am done with that place! i put in my two weeks of course my second week i took my week vacation so that i can spend the holidays with my family. So officially thursday is my last day i of course close. o well! It is such a weight lifted off me. I am so happy that i am finally done with that place.

Thursday, November 11, 2010


Thank you for serving our country! I am very proud to be your wife Colin Maughan

Monday, November 8, 2010

surgery day

Colin went into surgery today for his hernia around 7-8am his time. he is out now he is really sore and tired but ok.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

 mine is on my leg
christina's is on her back

Today my sister and i FINALLY got our sister tattoos. her's is pink and mine is green :) this is her first tattoo this is my 6th! lol they turned out really well. we both love them <3

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Germany News

Paper work should be approved in around a week!! this next week better go by really quick!

Monday, November 1, 2010


Today all i could think about was the fact that yet another month has gone by and i am still not in Germany with my husband. I am starting to think that i am never going to be with him. i miss him so much so i cant think like that. it is really hard to be without him but i know i have to be Strong. I can't wait to start my life with him its gonna be amazing to just see him everyday.

So i am learning new things about my new family everyday! its so crazy but i can't wait to get to know everyone better. i didn't really get to spend time with anyone while i was there. the only one i really know is Allyson and that's because her and i grew up together in Moapa.

Colin got approved to have his lasik eye sugary today! and he goes to see the doctor on Friday for his hernia. soon my hubby will be all fixed up :)