Wednesday, April 28, 2010

First off i would like to say that i don't want colin to go to freakin Europe after basic training! omg. why cant he go to like kentucky or something.AAHH!

My life has been boring as hell. i've decided not to go to colins family day and its pretty much killing me. but i can't afford it. but his graduation is in June so i will get to go to that. thankfully! after graduation is he going to nevada of course because well i am just his girlfriend and he needs to spend time with his family before he goes to freaking Europe!

Am i just supposed to wait for him while he is in Europe? i don't even know how long he is gonna be over there.

Friday, April 23, 2010


So i haven't written in a while. might be because my computer is still in reno or because i am totally lazy. either way it didn't happen. so for a update on my life here it is.
I am working like crazy at sweetbay 32-40hrs a week. and yet i am still broke all the time. ounce i am done paying off some of my debt from my move to reno i am going to start paying back jason. i still don't feel right how he paid for me so i am going to pay him back it may take me years but its going to happen. When im not working i have been going to the gym because well its free(kinda) and it makes me feel better about myself. I usually go out maybe ounce or twice a week with my friend michelle. because she is amazing and really the only really friend i have here besides some guys from work. Aaron and i are becoming good friends. he usually hangs out with michelle and i on thursday but lately his job has stopped him from doing that. Im just glad he isn't being a douche
Since Colin has been at basic i have been getting a letter once or twice a week but this week i haven't gotten anything it is kinda making me worry just a lil. Im sure there is a good reason but when letters are my only communication with him worrying is all i can do until i get one. He invited me to go to family day which is next month the 22-23. I really wanna go but i don't think i will have the money to. but if i don't go to family day i will definitely go to his graduation which i planned to do since the beginning.
Sometimes i really miss reno. mostly the people in reno. mostly jason. i miss hanging out with him everyday and picking on him. and yes i do miss zoey. she is a crazy dog but i love her. she is nothing like the dogs i have in florida. these dogs are so spoiled. my mom gives them whatever they want.
I hate living with rachel. i want her to leave this house and never return. she is such a bitch and she treats my mom like shit. But lucas is getting so big and so freaking cute. he is starting to crawl and can kinda stand up by himself now. his birthday is next month. he is finally going to be one years old :)