Sunday, January 31, 2010

Love the weekend

Yesterday Jason and i pretty much the entire day with his boss Jerry and his wife Dana and it was so awesome. the guys stayed outside all day and worked on jerry's jeep and Dana and i stayed inside and got drunk! i loved it. Her and i made a really good dinner. i didn't really eat a lot of eat but it was still good. After than I went and played lazer tag with my awesome friends.(Amanda,Nichole,Jack,Jason,Brandon,Megan,Drew) I didn't play as well as i did last time but i was trashed by that time. i was totally doing 007 moves on the ground and just having a blast. i didn't care about the points. Then Amanda and I went and Gambled a little while everyone else went and golfed. Then Went to a country bar/dance place at the GSR and it was a lot of fun. Amanda nichole and i danced out asses off!

This morning i woke up with Bruises on the right hand and i seriously don't know how i got them and they really don't feel that good. they are dark purple :(

Saturday, January 30, 2010

What would i do without my friends

Went and saw "when in Rome" last night with Jason,Chris,Nichole,Amanda,Jack,George and Laura. The movie Was ok. It was really really cheesy and we all pretty much knew what was gonna happen before it did. but last night was still a blast. We had more fun talking in the hall way of the movie theater than actually watching the movie.

I Slept a little last night. i went to bed at like midnight and then woke up 2 and went back to bed around 4 and then woke up again at like 7. and now i am up for the day. i have a feeling this not sleeping thing is gonna catch up with me and im gonna crash..HARD! o well we shall see.

Friday, January 29, 2010


I have pretty much gotten used to my mom making me sad when i talk to her. that when i moved out i broke her heart pretty much. but last night she really made me cry. she told me that since i left my sister goes to movies by herself and does things a lone. i was truly her only friend there. and sister for that i am really sorry that i left you. you and i had our up and down through our relationship but the last couple years i felt that we grew closer probably because we are both in our 20's. when we were both teenagers we pretty much hated each other. I MISS MY SISTER!

Thanks mom for making me realize that moving across country really does change everyones life and not just my own.

Thursday, January 28, 2010


So since i don't have a job i figure i will clean the house. and i don't mind cleaning i really don't it relaxes me and makes me clear my head. but since Drew and Megan are PIGS i have to clean like every freakin day just to make our house look half way decent. and its not like i can tell them that they need to start picking up after themselves. cleaning is the one way i contribute to the house so i really can't complain..although megan doesn't do shit for the house..

I think i am going to stop sleeping all together. i am hating my dreams lately so i don't even wanna have any ever again!!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Bands i couldn't live without

Mayday parade
Rise against
Job for a cowboy
Garth brooks
Imogen heap


well i didn't think this was possible but my dreams have gotten weirder. the other night i had a dream that we were all puppets not everyone in the world just everyone that is in my life. and it freaked me out! ( thats what i get for falling asleep to Jeff Dunham) now last night we weren't puppets or anything but everyone that i had ever met was in my dream even if i had only met them for a couple hours at like a party or the bar they were there. and it was like this big reunion. and somehow everyone knew each other. except no one knew me. i would talk to people and they wouldn't have any idea who i was. it was like my entire life was just erased.

Monday, January 25, 2010

steeler fan at heart

So yesterday i watched a lot of football. the Colts won but vikings lost (sry jason) the super bowl is in two weeks!! its going to be a good game i think the Colts Vs. Saints. i don't even know who i am going to root for. probably the saints just because its reggies team.
Last night i went to bed watch Jeff Dunham and i am never doing that again. he gave me a rly crazy dream about dolls and i didn't like it.
Today i rearranged my room and i think it looks alright. i am still getting used to it. and so is Zoey. that dog is crazy i'm telling ya.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Yay Bowling!!

Went Bowling last night. it was fun. i actually am getting better which is good. i used to suck rly bad and now i just suck.
This weekend has been pretty eventful. we had to clean up our front yard because it was somewhat messy and the city of reno didn't like it. and i guess that was fun. it was fuckin cold! but our yard looks a lot better. specially since we put the elcamino in the garage!
Last night i got to talk to Aaron for a while. it was good. i'm glad him and i are keeping in touch. He is way excited for the games today. which i guess i am. steelers aren't playing so i don't really feel the need to watch. but i will..maybe.
Its snowing right now.not rly bad. but still means its cold outside!!
My mom is still pressuring me to move back to Florida.

Thursday, January 21, 2010


Me and my Father
Bella and I ( Bella is my cousins Sarah Hayes little girl we call her Tinker Bell)

throat hurts!!

I can't believe that i haven't had a job for almost 2weeks now the first week i was in overton so i didn't really think about it. but now being home thats all i can think about. i can't stand not working.

Today i think nichole (crush) and i are going rollerskating but i'm not sure. she said she wanted to go everything Thursday and Sunday but i don't know if she remembers or not.

Last night it snowed..not as much as people thought but still a good amount.

I got to talk to Aaron for a good time last night. which was good i guess. he is having problems with his dad. i wish i would help him. but i guess all i can do i be there for him.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Last night i got my hair cut at some place in the mall. and seriously its weird. i haven't had short hair in forever!! lol but i like it. i was so sick of long hair.

This morning i was on the phone all morning with this stupid magazine company wondering why they are taking money out of my account when i had canceled my account around a year ago. i was pissed!

My head is pounding. and throat is killing me. the swelling on my glands and tonsils has gone down a lot but they still hurt really bad.

I talked to my mom yesterday and all she could talk about me not having a job. and that in florida i have one already. she can't get over the fact that i don't wanna go back there. she needs to let me be.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Overton is the same. i dont think it will ever change which is sad.
My trip went really really well except for the fact that you know my parents tried to brib me to come back to florida. they offered me a house! i think they realized that i actually do wanna be here when i turned them down. I got to see Torri and Kenna. and well lets just say i love them both very much..(kenna is my wife and torri is my mistress) i hope to see them again soon.

Back in reno i still need to find a job! and fast. although job hunting sucks ass i gotta do it.

Last night i made enchiladas for the roomies..and reggie and casey! they turned out okay. my nana's are way better. but i think i just need to practice so i hope they like them enough so i can make them again.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

I don't know whats going on. but hopefully this coming week will answer a lot of my questions.

something i can not change but until i try i'll never know!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

My mom and dad will be here on friday. i wont see them till monday but i am just happy that they are going to be in nevada! i can't wait to see my mom. i didn't think i would miss her as much as do.

Why do some people have to be so selfish!