Tuesday, November 24, 2009

I cant believe this is what it has come to

So its thanksgiving week. and this is usually when my family would start preparing for our big dinner. well not this year. i will be alone this year. i have to of course work on black Friday so i can go down to overton to see some of the relatives. Jason is leaving tomorrow night which sucks! i don't want him to go. but i also don't want him to stay just because i cant go. he deserves to be able to see his family. we don't need to miserable people in the house.

Today is my brother Ben's birthday! he is 24 today.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Today of all days

Yesterday we went and saw New Moon and it was fantastic. i am really glad we all went together. it was a good group. afterwards Jason Amanda and i all went to the bar to see the family. and it was pretty great. Moe was drunk 0ff his ass. which made everything so much better. i don't think i have ever seen him as drunk as he was last night. Nicole and Chris where there of course. Nicole can always make me smile. she is awesome.

Today is the MVHS state game against Truckie. and well i don't think we are going to win but i am glad i get to see some people from the valley that i haven't seen in a long time. Jason's parents are coming up to see the game and then after we are taking them to the bar to see Amanda and the rest of the family. which i cant wait for. its going to be fanfreakintastic!

The Gators play today so lets go orange and blue!!

i kinda wanna read the twilight books again. but i don't have any of them. and i don't really wanna buy them.i need to find someone that will let me borrow them so i can read them all at least one more time.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

So i got a job. i wish i started sooner than i do but i don't really have choice in the matter. i just glad i am going to start having a income soon. i hate the fact that Jason had to pay for practically everything. but not no more!

Tonight Jason and I are going to see Carlos Mencia! I am so excited. We get to get all dressed up and go out. without Drew and Megan its gonna be great. I am starting to get really sick of Megan. I know thats a bad thing to say since she is my roommate. but i just can't help it. she needs to grow up!