Sunday, May 31, 2009

the art of saving moey..

1st. open a savings account
2nd.make sure to actually put money in that so called account.
3rd. don't touch that money!!(until trip or needed)

see it doesn't sound hard. but for some reason for me it can be. saving money fro me is a little difficult. but i have been doing so good lately. i went to the mall and didn't buy anything. it was awesome.

All my money is going towards my reno trip! :)

Monday, May 25, 2009

Im flying to...

I will be here July 10Th-12Th
i can't wait!!!

It has been raining everyday for the past week. I never thought i would get sick of rain. I mean in Overton it would rain maybe twice a yr. Florida is just freaking ridiculous.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Sunday, May 17, 2009



they have screwed me over so many times.and today just set me over the edge.
-they gave away some of my hours for the day because one of there full time employees wasnt gonna make her 40hrs. which at first pissed me off because they didnt even ask me. they just took them. then today they call me and say lisa(the bitch that took me hrs) went home early so then need me to come. i said no. they can suck it. god i hate them..cindy is a good friend but sometimes as a boss she can totally screw u over.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


My newphew was born this morning. it only took 18hrs!!! omg i am never having children. im thinking suraget. :)

I am so tired that i can't sleep and am now starting to get a massive headache. how sad is that.

Work was ok. i think i finished everything. if not who cares. i don't work tomorrow! Lucas (nephew) comes home tomorrow. which will be cool. and i am supposed to have a "girls night" with heather. she is the one friend down here that i actually love to chill with. how sad is that. But i love her for letting me be who i am. she doesn't mind that i am blunt and tell the truth. she has a weird boyfriend but i can deal. he is rly nice.

I hate ppl that try to change other ppl. let them be who they wanna be!

Saturday, May 9, 2009



i can't spend anymore money. specially on stupid crap! like food...and shoes..and makeup..and more sailorjerry..
at least not until i buy my plane ticket and after i go to reno so i have money for bar
i say NO MORE!!

Jason is gonna help me with my addiction and whenever i text him and tell him im gonna go shopping he's has to yell at me. and say no! lol i think it will work. hopefully.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

crazy dreams

Being sick sucks! i just wanna be better alrdy. i guess it didn't help that i went swimming yesterday. o well. it was awesome. it was a first time in a long time that my mom and i actually had fun together.just her and i. i let her make fun of me and i didnt bitch her out for it. i was so proud of myself.

So i've discovered that when u are on meds u can have some crazy ass dreams. not last night but the night befor i had one about jason and torri and when i woke up i wanted to smack jason right across the face. but last night i had another one about them and when i woke up i felt like i needed to save them from something, it was weird. i mean i have had weird dreams befor but nothing that has made me wanna take action when i wake up. i need to get better and fast.

I bought some new sailor jerry stuff yesterday. 2new sashes and a new purse! all together lets just say it was "enough"lol

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Monday, May 4, 2009

my family

my biological father is a whore and has other kids. well i just got in touch with my lil sister. she is my half sister of course. she is 13. the weird thing is if u see a picture of me at that age we look like twins. we decided that we(ben,matt,christina,sam) are going to fly her out to florida so we can see her. we have only seen her twice in our lives. and it was way back in like 2003(for my sister christina's graduation) apparently i have another sister too. but she is older than matt. and we have no idea were she is. people say she is in like colorado or something. maybe one day i will meet her but its doubtful. O yeah my sisters name is tempest. and my spermdonor is now in prison again for the 4th time. and her mom is a druggie. she deserves a better life than this. she is only 13.