Saturday, January 31, 2009


arent we just

superbowl weekend!

The superbowl is in tampa this year, that means all the crazies are going to be around who o ya me. Today at work is going to be insane. the streets are already packed,so are the hotels. i wanted to check out the beach but i think that would be a mistake. clearwater has one of the best beaches in the world. just in case yall didn't know that.(jason that the one we went to). o well. go STEELERS!

Friday, January 30, 2009


Today was my sisters first day of work. we worked an entire 5hrs and she complained for about that long afterwards about how bad her feet i told her to suck it up. i have to work with her tomorrow. hopefully it goes well. i totally redid my room today. it looks alright. it will take some getting used to.

tomorrow i have to have a serious talk with my boss..

Thursday, January 29, 2009


my skin is cursed i swear. everytime i use a face wash my skin builds up this tolerance to the wash so it stops working after like the thrid time i use it. i keep using it because that would just be a huge waste of money. but what can i do rly. i mean i already have to be picky about what i use because my skin is sensative. i can't use anything that to powerful,sented or with oil in it. if i do i will break out more. i want a skin transplant! do those even exsist?

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

I got my W2 guess what i did taxes!! i am getting a lot back this yr. way more than i have ever gotten. first i thought i did them wrong so i double checked. they are right. this money will help me leave florida! thank u

This shall be my next tattoo. excpet it will say "your not alone" on it instead of "true love forever". its a sailor jerry pretty sure im gonna get it on the back of my right leg.
(same leg as my star)

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

We be crazy

When i first moved to florida i thought i would be a great change for me. and i would make lots of friends well i thought it would be awesome. well in the begining i didn't rly make any friends. except for kenna. but she was overton. she came down to be with my brother. her and i became awesome friends. she was the one person i could count on down here. i miss her so much. i wish she was still here. i know that her and my brother are no longer speaking and she has a better life now and a great girlfriend. I still talk to her every now and then. my life is just not the same without her.

Monday, January 26, 2009

sisterly love

In April i am going to Nevada. i was supposed to travel with my sister. but then i started making other plans with Torri and Jason. because in all seriousness they are the people i am going to see. well my sister got all butt hurt. like usual. we got into this huge fight and of course my mother took my sisters side. because well she is the golden child. now she tells me she isn't going to go at all because she can't afford it. (that's what she gets for being a bum and not having a job). when she told me all i could do was smile.sad i know. but o well. i love her to death but sometimes she rly just gets on my nerves. but i guess that happens with most siblings.

...she can never keep her freakin eyes open when we take

Sunday, January 25, 2009


I'm not funny. What I am is brave.
-Lucille Ball

• I finally figured out the only reason to be alive is to enjoy it.
-Rita Mae Brown

• Growth itself contains the germ of happiness.
-Pearl S. Buck

• A lot of people are afraid to say what they want. That's why they don't get what they want.

• Since everything is in our heads, we had better not lose them.
-Coco Chanel

• Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.
-Marie Curie

• Laziness may appear attractive, but work gives satisfaction.
-Anne Frank

• Where there is no struggle, there is no strength.
-Oprah Winfrey

• It is not how much we do, but how much love we put in the doing. It is not how much we give, but how much love we put in the giving.
-Mother Teresa

• The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.
-Eleanor Roosevelt

making new memories

so kristen and i tried to go bowling last night. and well we fuckin couldn't. they had no lanes open till 10:30pm. how fuckin gay is that. i was pissed. not that i am any good at bowling i just felt like bowling for u know that one time in my life. instead we went to sweetbay and waited around for michelle heather and andrew to get off work so we could all go to applebee's and get drunk. it was fun i guess. i never knew andrew was such a loud drunk person. it was rly rly hilarious.

i got a new betsey johnson purse. kristen talked me into buying it. and i am now poor for the rest of the usually i would say how much it cost. but not this time. but it is totally me. its red with white polka dots with black bows on it. i love it and shall use it every chance i get.

I love the pictures that torri took for me last night. they make me laugh. thnxs love!

Saturday, January 24, 2009


torri got to see jason jelous..not that she got to see him but that they got to see another...

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

to the airport i go

my father is leaving again back to louisiana, we will miss him. two weeks goes by so fast. my mom is always so happy when he is home. but right when he leaves its like the bitch is back. i wish he would jus stay. but i know we need the money.

april is coming! and i can't wait.

krsten and ben are breaking up. and well i knew it would happen. it sucks. she is trying to talk to me about my borther. and why he is acting this way. i had to set her straight. right now she is what i would call a dumb bitch in this situation. never again will one of my brother date one of my good friends. never again!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

derrick hernandez your FIRED!

today the scary man at work got fired..and that makes me o so very very i can get my raise without being scared.

kristen ditched me again tonight. probably to hang out with my brother. god damn it! i want this relationship to be over with so i can have my friend back. i know thats probably selfish of me but i don't fuckin care anymore.

Friday, January 16, 2009

today and yesterday are the first days i have gotten off in about a week. it feels good to do nothing. to bad i have to open tomorrow.

i need a new life.

Friday, January 9, 2009

dumb ass bosses

i hate being called into work early because my boss is hung over. specially when the one time i wanted her to come in for me she gave me a stupid ass exscuse. why am i so damn reliable? i want it to stop.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

great country song.

I recognized your number,
It's burned into my brain,
Felt my heart beating faster,
Every time it rang. Some things never change,
That's why I didn't answer.
I bet you're in a bar, Listening to a country song.
Glass of Johnny Walker Red, With no one to take you home.
They're probably closing down, Saying, "No more alcohol."
I bet you're in a bar
'Cause I'm always your last call.
I don't need to check that message.
I know what it says. "Baby, I still love you,"
Don't mean nothing when there's whiskey on your breath.
That's the only love I get.
So if you're calling...
I bet you're in a bar
Listening to a cheatin' song
Glass of Johnny Walker Red
With no one to take you home
They're probably closing down Saying, "No more alcohol"
I bet you're in bar,
'Cause I'm always your last-
Call me crazy but I think maybe We've had our last call.
I bet you're in a bar.
It's always the same old song.
That Johnny Walker Red,
By now it's almost gone.
But baby,
I won't be there To catch you when you fall.
I bet you're in bar
'Cause I'm always your last call

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

what a boring day

today had been such a boring day. i need something exciting to happen to me.

I love stormy days..

Monday, January 5, 2009

one of my secrets:

i let people use me. i know they are doing it and yet i don't stop it. why is this.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

my wii fit just kicked my ass.. i just did a long run and i now wanna die. but i scored 100% on it. i need to lose weight. and my wii is going to help me do that. yay for technology.

Friday, January 2, 2009

i have a booboo

i got a infection in my toe from the freakin pedi i got the other day. my toe hurts so bad it is hard for me to walk. this fuckin sucks!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

pictures from 12/31/08

happy new year

zune is fixed..and all by itself..yay for microsoft being 0n the ball.

last night was awesome. i had tons of fun. we played some beer pong on our heads and then some circle of death. i got a littel emotional when i started thinking about my life so i just drank some more and i soon forgot about what i thinking about. i got danced on by brian it was so funny heather and i where basically crying from laughing so hard, he was so drunk. i saw heather do a booty dance (she is a goody goody. totally straight edge. church goer. we are trying to corrupt her) thanks to all the people in nevada that texted me at three in the morning a happy new year. (i was mad at first cause my new year started 3hrs earlier but i was happy they didn't forget me)

new years resolution: move back to nevada!

ps. i wrote this without my glasses on. so sorry if some things don't rly make since or are spelt wrong.